Women's Ministry

In Women’s Ministry, we are committed to connecting women to Jesus and one another. We hope that you’ll join us as we seek Jesus, study His Word, and build community together. If you need help getting connected, please contact the campus you attend.
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Women of the Word
This Weekend Group is a great place for women of all ages to connect, share life, and study God's Word together with others!
Sundays 7:45 AM
WC 245
Single Moms Community
The Single Moms Weekend Group is a Bible study that will encourage and equip women who are in this season of life to pursue the Lord.
Sundays 10:45 AM
WC 452
Women Journeying with Jesus
Find your crew in Women’s Ministry here on Sunday mornings as we welcome women - all ages and stages of life to journey together in God’s word. REGISTER for this 9:30 -10:45 am Sunday mornings, Beginning Sunday, January 5th.
Sundays 9:30 AM
Starting: Jan 5
190 C
Encounter - Grief Support Group
Healing from your grief is not easy. It can be a long and painful process—one you don’t need to experience alone. Come and share some time with others who can offer you hope, encouragement, and prayer after the loss of a loved one.
Wednesdays 7:00 PM
Elizabethtown Campus
Encounter - Addiction Support & Recovery
This is a Christ-centered 12-step program for individuals wanting to overcome addictions and compulsions.
Wednesdays 7:00 PM
Elizabethtown Campus
Encounter - Cancer Support Group
This support group gives those who have or are currently walking through cancer a safe place to be with others who share the same experiences. Whether it is you or a loved one, you don’t have to face this alone. Come join our community of support and recovery.
Wednesdays 7:00 PM
Elizabethtown Campus
We were never meant to face the hardships of life alone, and support can take many forms. At Encounter we offer the following groups: Grief Support, Cancer Support, Addiction Recovery, Marriage in Crisis, and Women Overcoming Adversity. Join us each week as we seek to encounter the transformational love of Jesus.
Wednesdays 7:00 PM
Elizabethtown Campus
Women's Early Morning Bible Study
Bring your Bible as we continue studying through a book of the Bible. This is an ongoing study. No children's programming provided.
Mondays 7:00 AM
Starting: Jan 20
Single Mom's Connection
Connect with other single moms as we dive into God's Word together. Find comfort and strength when you focus on Jesus alongside women who understand your challenges. We provide a safe place to think out loud in a caring, understanding environment. FREE CHILDCARE IS AVAILABLE. Meets from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Thursdays 6:30 PM
ATLR 203
Mosaic (Wives of Sex Addicts)
Support and help for wives or women who have been impacted by the sexual struggles of their husband or other men.
Thursdays 7:30 PM
Email arcwives@hotmail.com or care@secc.org before attending
Cancer Care for Women
Cancer Care for Women
Meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the Month (1:00-3:00 p.m.)
Fireside Room
Women's Group Led by Loata McGannon
This online women's group is led by Loata McGannon from Australia! This group has been meeting for the past few years, but is looking for more women who are interested in fellowshipping and following Jesus together on Zoom! Register below and Loata will be in touch!
SE Online
Saturdays 4:00 PM
Starting: Jan 26
Forgotten Hearts
For women wanting to overcome love and sexual addiction.
For meeting dates and times, please email forgottenheartse@gmail.com.
Details Upon Request
Moms in Prayer
This is a group of moms gathering together to pray for their children. Please contact Becky before attending (meyerbecky09@gmail.com).
Thursdays 1:00 PM
ATLR 204
Women's Group Led By Joanne Frank
This online women's group is led by Joanne Frank from Maine! Their group has been together for a while, but is looking to add a few more women into the mix of the group! Register below and Joanne will be in touch soon!
SE Online
Thursdays 7:00 PM
Starting: Jan 30
Encounter - Recovery for the Rest of Us
What should you do when you feel stuck in life? Join us as we support one another in facing our fears, moving past our past, healing our hurts, and breaking our bad habits.
Wednesdays 7:00 PM
Worship Center
Book Club
Southwest Women's Book Club would love to invite you in at any point throughout the year! All you have to do is read the assigned book for the month and come together on the last Thursday of the month through November to discuss. Book club meets at the Southwest Campus at 6:30 pm right inside of Door 3 at the Next Step Room. 2024's Book Club selection is as follows: January - "The Rock, the Road, and the Rabbi" by Kathie Lee Gifford with Rabbi Jason Sobel February - "The All American" by Susie Finkbeiner March - "Under the Passover" by Mike Yankoski *Meet at 11:00 am at the Resource Center at Exodus Family Ministry April - "The Divine Proverb of Streusel" by Sara Brunsvold May - "The Ark and the Dove" by Jill Eileen Smith June - "Rescuing Finley" Book 1 by Dan Walsh July - "When Your Way Isn't Working" by Kyle Idleman August - "The Moonlight School" by Suzanne Woods Fisher September - "When the Day Comes" by Gabriella Meyer October - "The Unlikely Yarn of the Dragon Lady" by Sharon J Mondragon November - "The Women of Christmas" by Liz Curtis Higgs Contact Kate Joyce for more info at katej59@gmail.com
Last Thursday of every month
Starting: Jan 30
Southwest Campus
Encounter - Women Overcoming Adversity
Join us as we walk together, navigating the difficulties we face as women. Our hope is to create confidence to overcome adversity with the hope that we encounter through the transformational love of Jesus.
Wednesdays 7:00 PM
Elizabethtown Campus
Moms with Littles Meetup
Moms need community with other moms and time spent together with their little ones. If you are a mom with little ones at home, please join us at the Blankenbaker Women's Ministry "Moms with Littles Meetup" for a time of fellowship and fun on the second Monday of every month from 10am to noon. Event meeting location varies. From November to April, meetups take place in FH111. From May to October, meetups will be at the Pavilion next to the Blankenbaker baseball fields. This meeting is intended to spend time with our children; childcare will not be provided.
Second Monday of the month
Blankenbaker Campus
Women's Home Group // Daniel // Zimmerman
"Let's study the book of Daniel together!" One of the prophetic books of the bible, you learn how Daniel lived during his captivity in Babylon; being faithful and obedient to God. This study will help you draw closer to God and help anchor yourself for any upcoming storm(s) you might face. Standing firm in God's word and love!
Bullitt County
BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//github.com/rianjs/ical.net//NONSGML ical.net 2.2//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20250214T100001 DTSTAMP:20250123T082626 DTSTART:20250214T100000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20250530T000000;BYDAY=FR SEQUENCE:0 UID:4b3e1bb9-ff4e-4d03-ba5a-2b851c38cac4 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Starting: Feb 14
Women's Group // Miller
Join our Monday morning Women's Bible study! We'll be walking through the current sermon series and then choose other Bible Studies to dig into.
Bullitt County
Mondays 9:30 AM
Encounter - Marriage in Crisis
This is a support group aimed at sharing God's hope for those struggling in their marriage or those who are currently separated and seeking reconciliation. Dates for 2024: February 7, 21; March 6, 20; April 3, 17; May 1, 15, 29; June 12, 26; July 10, 24; August 7, 21; September 4, 18; October 2, 16, 30; November 13, 27; December 11.
Meeting every other week
Martena Hamilton // Widows Women
I am Martena Hamilton, a widow of 14 years. I recently joined Southeast Christian Church and was amazed by their welcoming spirit, their love for Jesus and community. Earlier this year, I joined a widows group in Bullitt County. This made me realize the need for Christian widow fellowship while supporting each other and studying the Word of our amazing Savior. God has put a calling on my heart to provide a meeting place in Nelson County. I think widows can sometimes feel left out and lonely once you have lost a spouse. Just know you are not alone and are welcome to join other widows to walk through this season of life.
Nelson County
Thursdays 2:00 PM
Grace & Truth (Spiritual Growth & Healing)
This group is for women who want to gain a solid foundation in God’s truth and then, on that foundation, begin to experience healing for some of their deepest life wounds. This study is designed for 26 weeks, divided into two semesters, so join us. It will be a journey worth taking. Please register by emailing justicejulie@yahoo.com!
Sundays 9:15 AM
Starting: Sep 15
To register: lallen@secc.org
HART stands for Healing Abusive Relationships and Trauma. It is a support group for women who are in psychologically, spiritually, verbally, destructive, or abusive marriages. Registration is required. Please email juliegouldcounseling@gmail.com.
Smith // Women's
Rene started a weekend Bible study for those that work at night and are off weekends. She hopes to meet everyone right where they are, whether new to groups or a part of them a long time. Everyone has a testimony and love to give. Jesus loves us all and her hope is to establish loving friendships like Jesus.
Nelson County
Saturdays 4:00 PM
Shelby County Women's Groups
For more information on Shelby County Women's Groups, please contact Ciarra Allison at callison@secc.org.
Shelby County
BB | Never Alone Widows Group
A video series for women providing tangible resources to walk with widows through the practical pieces of life after loss. Complete with 20 videos from Be Still Ministries' most trusted voices.
Third Thursday of Each Month
Encounter - Women at the Well
The Women at the Well group is designed for women who have experienced any kind of sexual abuse or trauma to find hope and healing through an encounter with Jesus. This group offers the support and encouragement to know you are not alone and that freedom and healing are possible.
Wednesdays 7:00 PM
Crestwood Women's Prayer Team
What a privilege to pray for our Crestwood women, our community, our state, and our world. Join us each Thursday morning, 8:00-8:45 am, via a Teams call as we intentionally “make our requests known to God”. You will receive the Teams invitation each week on Wednesday evening.
Thursdays 8:00 AM
Starting: Jan 9
Women's Amazing Collection
The Amazing Collection study is a 2-year-study through the entire Bible – all 66 books! Join this group as they journey through this study each week. They will start 2 Timothy on January 9, 2025, and complete the New Testament in March 2025. Come and see. No children's programming available.
Thursdays 9:30 AM
Starting: Jan 9
AM Women's Group - Esther by Kelly Minter
Join Prospect Women's Ministry for our Spring Bible study. April 9th we will begin the study Esther - by Kelly Minter. Teaching and table group discussion at 9:30 - 11:00am on Wednesday mornings April 9th - May 21st. Registration email will contain a link to purchase your book.
Wednesdays 9:30 AM
Starting: Jan 15
Student Space
Women's Group | Miller/King (Shelbyville)
Looking for community? Come find your crew as we explore God's Word together!
Shelby County
BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//github.com/rianjs/ical.net//NONSGML ical.net 2.2//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20250129T180001 DTSTAMP:20250108T113012 DTSTART:20250129T180000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20250521T000000;BYDAY=WE SEQUENCE:0 UID:e34c8654-99b0-435a-8dc4-d1ae9abf3550 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Starting: Jan 29
Women's Group | Pedersen (Shelbyville)
Looking for community? Come find your crew as we explore God's Word together!
Shelby County
BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//github.com/rianjs/ical.net//NONSGML ical.net 2.2//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20250129T100001 DTSTAMP:20250108T111128 DTSTART:20250129T100000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20250528T000000;BYDAY=WE SEQUENCE:0 UID:0d3e6ca1-8a62-4d0d-a95f-81e12987399b END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Women's Purpose Groups
Purpose Groups offer women discipleship with a strong Biblical foundation, giving them an avenue to grow in authentic relationships and equipping them to discover their unique gifting and purpose to go and make disciples. Groups meet once a month for 10 consecutive months, beginning with a Kickoff in August and ending in June. Registration is open from May to July. Contact Allison Perkins at aperkins@secc.org for more information.
Once a month
Women's Group | Holzbach (Shelbyville)
Looking for community? Come find your crew as we explore God's Word together!
Shelby County
BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//github.com/rianjs/ical.net//NONSGML ical.net 2.2//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20250128T090001 DTSTAMP:20250108T090825 DTSTART:20250128T090000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20250527T000000;BYDAY=TU SEQUENCE:0 UID:5da2c5cc-d01d-4e09-94f4-99a155e4344e END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Women's Group | Comacho/Galindo/Ariza (Shelbyville)
Looking for community? Come find your crew as we explore God's Word together!
Shelby County
Wednesdays 6:30 PM
Women's Group | Holland (Shelbyville)
Looking for community? Come find your crew as we explore God's Word together!
Shelby County
BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//github.com/rianjs/ical.net//NONSGML ical.net 2.2//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20250127T173001 DTSTAMP:20250108T120213 DTSTART:20250127T173000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20250519T000000;BYDAY=MO SEQUENCE:0 UID:18832a28-fd19-4504-8e0a-ea4d58cbb4bf END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Women's Group | Palmer (Waddy)
Looking for community? Come find your crew as we explore God's Word together!
Shelby County
BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//github.com/rianjs/ical.net//NONSGML ical.net 2.2//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20250124T180001 DTSTAMP:20250109T055113 DTSTART:20250124T180000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2;UNTIL=20250523T000000;BYDAY=FR SEQUENCE:0 UID:9a57e441-fd45-484a-80e5-e9f24a6fa0df END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Widows Group | Our Journey Forward (Shelbyville)
A friendship group for wives who have lost their husbands whose main goals are to comfort, support, and love like Jesus.
Shelby County
BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//github.com/rianjs/ical.net//NONSGML ical.net 2.2//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20250113T170001 DTSTAMP:20240823T092259 DTSTART:20250113T170000 RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;UNTIL=20250512T000000;BYDAY=2MO SEQUENCE:0 UID:ecfda41b-39f6-444e-936c-e3a4f8610c74 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Women's Group | Brown | College Age (Shelbyville)
This group is for college age women between ages 18-28 who are looking for community! Come find your crew as we explore God's Word together!
Shelby County
Saturdays 9:00 AM
Journey to Wholeness
Many people experience guilt, anxiety, anger or self-criticism in their lives in a way that dominates their character and negatively affects their relationships. Journey to Wholeness is a group where we will explore all the dimensions that God has created in us and learn how to welcome God into the troubled parts of our soul to calm the chaos and help us experience wholeness. Using the book Boundaries for Your Soul and other resources, we will gain the tools to grow into a healthier and more complete version of who God designed us to be. This study will run through December. Come ready to make this a priority for your personal growth and healing. We will make this a safe place to do this life-changing work. If you are interested in registering for this group or have questions, please email Linda Allen at lallen@secc.org.
Thursdays 7:45 PM
Starting: Jan 16
LA | Hope & Healing (High School Girls)
A Sexual Integrity Group for High School Girls. For more information, please email hopeandhealing.groups@gmail.com.
La Grange
Women’s Group | Crawford/Murphy/Hockensmith (Simpsonville)
Looking for community? Come find your crew as we explore God's Word together!
Shelby County
BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//github.com/rianjs/ical.net//NONSGML ical.net 2.2//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20250125T073001 DTSTAMP:20250109T051818 DTSTART:20250125T073000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20250524T000000;BYDAY=SA SEQUENCE:0 UID:22aa0669-748a-41c0-96bb-5bd2a3b76934 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
BB | Women's Recovery Support Group
This group is open to all women who are seeking support and healing from any type of addiction.
Thursdays 7:30 PM
WC 236
Move | Women's Bible Study AM
Join the Women's Ministry for our winter Bible study "Move." As we read the book of Acts, we witness a church that was constantly growing and moving. The early church was a church on the move, advancing the kingdom of God throughout the world. This group meets for 9 weeks beginning Wednesday, January 29th from 10:00 to 11:30 AM. All women are welcome—whether you are brand new to studying the Bible or you have studied God's Word forever. Study guides will be available for purchase in the SE Bookstore in January. Limited childcare is available.
Wednesdays 10:00 AM
Starting: Jan 29
FH 2
Move | Women's Bible Study PM
Join the Women's Ministry for our winter Bible study "Move." As we read the book of Acts, we witness a church that was constantly growing and moving. The early church was a church on the move, advancing the kingdom of God throughout the world. This group meets for 9 weeks beginning Tuesday, January 28th from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. All women are welcome—whether you are brand new to studying the Bible or you have studied God's Word forever. Study guides will be available for purchase in the SE Bookstore in January. Limited childcare is available.
Tuesdays 6:30 PM
Starting: Jan 28
FH 2
Studio: Move
Take a deep-dive into verse mapping as we study the early Church in the book of Acts. This inductive study lab will provide you with the skills to dig deeply into God’s Word, equipping you with tools and a greater understanding of Scripture. This study will include guided instruction, whole and small group sharing, and opportunities to practice verse mapping in class and at home. Studio meets Tuesday mornings beginning January 28th from 10 AM to 12 PM in ATCR 200. Registration is required and childcare is limited.
Tuesdays 10:00 AM
Starting: Jan 28
ATCR 200
Spring Women's Small Group
We want you to be part of our encouraging culture of women as we grow together in our love for God and one another. We would really like to get to know you! Join us this Spring in person on Tuesday nights. If you have any questions, contact Kathy Berry at kberry@secc.org.
La Grange
Tuesdays 6:30 PM
Starting: Jan 28
Worship Center
Women's Bible Study | MOVE | AM
Join Crestwood Women's Ministry for our winter Bible study. We'll join the church in studying the New Testament book of Acts. We'll see the early church on the move, advancing the Kingdom of God throughout the world. May we follow their passionate example. Teaching and table group discussion. 9:30-11:00 am Wednesdays mornings, January 29-March 26.
Wednesdays 9:30 AM
Starting: Jan 29
CW Ministry Center
Thursday Morning Women's Bible Study
Join us for a verse by verse study of 1st Corinthians. Practical instruction that challenges us for deeper obedience to God’s word.
La Grange
Thursdays 9:30 AM
Starting: Feb 6
La Grange Campus
Seamless Spring PM
Seamless covers the people, places, and promises of the Bible, tying them together into the greater story of Scripture. You'll gain an overarching understanding of the fundamental layout and meaning of God's Word. Order your workbook here - https://southeastbookstore.org/products/seamless
Tuesdays 6:30 PM
Starting: Apr 29
Link Media Center (Former School Building)
Women's Group | Russell (Simpsonville)
Looking for community? Come find your crew as we explore God's Word together!
Shelby County
BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//github.com/rianjs/ical.net//NONSGML ical.net 2.2//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20250128T090001 DTSTAMP:20250107T114634 DTSTART:20250128T090000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20250527T000000;BYDAY=TU SEQUENCE:0 UID:4b90ae4f-5412-4e47-890a-0a5f2a22b5a7 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Women's Group | Missions | Henning (Shelbyville)
This is a group designed for ladies who are interested in discussing ways to fulfill the Great Commission through the ministry of Operation Christmas Child.
Shelby County
BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//github.com/rianjs/ical.net//NONSGML ical.net 2.2//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20250210T183001 DTSTAMP:20250109T054403 DTSTART:20250210T183000 RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;UNTIL=20250512T000000;BYDAY=2MO SEQUENCE:0 UID:aa4a0757-292c-405e-a151-48080e12b674 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Women's Connect Groups
We believe life is better together. Our connect groups are a safe place to ask questions, grow in your faith, and meet new friends. Join other women on Tuesday evenings as we navigate life together.
South Louisville
Tuesdays 6:30 PM
Starting: Jan 28
South Louisville
Monday Women's (On-Campus)
This is a great opportunity to come together as women, have some fun, and start Christ-centered meaningful relationships all while strengthening our faith. This group is open to all ages and different walks of life.
Mondays 6:30 PM
Andrea lives on a small farm and has chickens. She enjoys gardening, nature, and raising her 3 daughters. She's been married 20 years and joined Southeast in January 2024. She is excited about what God has in store for this campus and ladies of this church. Andrea wants to lead a group to encourage others while being engaged in the Word of God.
Nelson County
Wednesdays 6:30 PM
BB Women | Unleashed Workshop
BB Women | Unleashed is journey to discover how you can highly leverage your skills and passions to advance the Gospel both inside and outside the church. Through this 6-week workshop, participants will discover Who is God, Who has He created you to be, and What is He calling you to do. Through a series of exploration and self-assessment, participants will create an Unleashed life plan.
Tuesdays 6:30 PM
Starting: Apr 22
ATCR 209
Seamless Spring 2025 AM
Seamless covers the people, places, and promises of the Bible, tying them together into the greater story of Scripture. You'll gain an overarching understanding of the fundamental layout and meaning of God's Word.
Tuesday Mornings 4/29 - 6/10
Starting: Apr 29
LINK Media Center (Former School Building)
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Let's Go Girls: A Southwest Women's Mini Conference

Let's GO, Girl! Join the ladies of the Southwest Campus as we gather to unpack our KINGDOM CALL! Whatever stage of life you are in you have something to joyfully bring to the table! We are going to feast on the Word of God; we will be challenged and encouraged! You don't want to miss this opportunity to spend some purpose filled time with Jesus and one another! We can't wait to join you on your journey of faith! *Saturday lunch option available for $12, or you will have 90 minutes to grab lunch in the area.


Fri, Apr 25


Empowered in This Season

This is our annual Spring luncheon for widows! Whether or not you attend Southeast Christian Church, you are welcome at this free event. You'll enjoy delicious food, sweet fellowship, and possibly win a prize! Our hope is that you will also receive some new information that will help you be strong as you walk through this season of your life. Deuteronomy 31:6

Chapel in the Woods

Wed, May 21

Blankenbaker Campus • FH 1

Frequently Asked Questions


Allison Perkins
Email Allison
(502) 253-8736

Sandi Reynolds
Email Sandi
(812) 704-1653

Rebecca Moore
Email Rebecca
(502) 873-1092

Jennifer Choate
Email Jennifer
(502) 614-1510

La Grange
Karissa Sites
Email Karissa
(502) 614-1208

Lori Weaver
Email Lori
(270) 506-4650