Ministry Overview

"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden." Matthew 5:14 ESV

As a vibrant and vital part of who we are as a church, we encourage our seniors never to cease in seeking God’s will. Our hope is that through the Senior Adult Ministry you will live a life enriched by God and leave a spiritual legacy for generations to come. Through regular worship, prayer, and fellowship opportunities, you will grow deeper in your personal walk with the Lord and come alongside those seeking to connect to Jesus and one another. 

Classic Worship

For folks who are blessed when they love, laugh, and learn together! Join us as we fellowship, worship together in hymn singing, and receive great instruction from seasoned Bible teachers. Most of the participants are senior adults, but this experience is open to ALL ages.

Tuesdays • 10:00 a.m. • Crestwood Campus
Wednesdays • 1:00 p.m. • Elizabethtown Campus
Thursdays • 10:00 a.m. • Chapel in the Woods Campus
Thursdays • 1:00 p.m. • Indiana Campus

Widows Groups

The Widows Groups at Southeast are a very simple way to connect with other women who have lost their spouse. With more than 800 widows at our church, our hope is that each woman will be loved and cared for in a small-group setting. We have witnessed the fruit of women coming together, sharing their stories, and celebrating with one another as we continue to move forward. If you are seeking deep friendship and support, we hope you will contact us and allow us to connect you with a group that best fits your schedule. Groups meet at various times and locations throughout our community each month!

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Encounter - Grief Support Group
Healing from your grief is not easy. It can be a long and painful process—one you don’t need to experience alone. Come and share some time with others who can offer you hope, encouragement, and prayer after the loss of a loved one.
Wednesdays 7:00 PM
Elizabethtown Campus
Encounter - Addiction Support & Recovery
This is a Christ-centered 12-step program for individuals wanting to overcome addictions and compulsions.
Wednesdays 7:00 PM
Elizabethtown Campus
Encounter - Cancer Support Group
This support group gives those who have or are currently walking through cancer a safe place to be with others who share the same experiences. Whether it is you or a loved one, you don’t have to face this alone. Come join our community of support and recovery.
Wednesdays 7:00 PM
Elizabethtown Campus
We were never meant to face the hardships of life alone, and support can take many forms. At Encounter we offer the following groups: Grief Support, Cancer Support, Addiction Recovery, Marriage in Crisis, and Women Overcoming Adversity. Join us each week as we seek to encounter the transformational love of Jesus.
Wednesdays 7:00 PM
Elizabethtown Campus
Encounter - Recovery for the Rest of Us
What should you do when you feel stuck in life? Join us as we support one another in facing our fears, moving past our past, healing our hurts, and breaking our bad habits.
Wednesdays 7:00 PM
Worship Center
Legacy Ministry | Senior Adults
A group of Christ followers, mostly 60 years of age and up, trying to help one another follow well and draw closer to our Lord Jesus. We also look for opportunities to assist other groups and individuals, particularly younger adults, in their quest to do the same. We believe the experience and wisdom of our members is a valuable resource we’d like to share in building the Kingdom both within and outside our church walls. We also encourage each other, pray for each other, learn together by studying God's Word, and try to have fun while doing so. We love meeting new people!
Shelby County
Wednesdays 1:00 PM
Starting: Jan 29
The mission of the Onward Class is to provide Bible study, fellowship, and pastoral support for those over 60. The class is also on Zoom for those who are not able to attend in person.
Thursdays 1:00 PM
AT 109
Home Group | Peterson (Shelbyville)
We are a newly formed group of couples and individuals who enjoy studying the Word of God, praying together and for each other. Our group consists of people in their 60's and above who meet every Wednesday. We would be honored if you joined us!
Shelby County
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Starting: Jan 29
Senior Adult Group
We believe life is better together. Our connect groups are a safe place to ask questions, grow in your faith, and meet new friends. Join other senior adults on Wednesday mornings as we navigate life together.
South Louisville
Wednesdays 10:00 AM
Starting: Jan 29
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